For Immediate Release
Contact: Kaitlin Konecke, Marketing Manager
Phone: 410-337-9585 x181
Email: kkonecke@healthpropress.com
Baltimore, MD (May 7, 2018) — Across the country, older Americans—a rapidly growing population—are taking part in activities that promote wellness and social connection. They are sharing their wisdom and experience with future generations, and they are giving back to enrich their communities. They’re working and volunteering, mentoring and learning, leading and engaging.
For 55 years, Older Americans Month (OAM) has been observed to recognize older Americans and their contributions to our communities. Led by the Administration for Community Living’s Administration on Aging, every May offers opportunity to hear from, support, and celebrate our nation’s elders. This year’s OAM theme, “Engage at Every Age,” emphasizes the importance of being active and involved, no matter where or when you are in life. You are never too old (or too young) to participate in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
It is becoming more apparent that remaining socially engaged can improve the quality of life for older adults. Health Professions Press will use OAM 2018 to focus on ways to ensure older adults are engaged, both socially and mentally, with particular focus on reducing the risk of social isolation in older adults. (According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, social isolation is more dangerous than smoking 15 packs of cigarettes a day!)
Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and the HPP Resource Center for free activities and resources to engage at every age! For more information on Older Americans Month, visit our Older Americans Month 2018 page.
About Health Professions Press, Inc.
Health Professions Press, Inc. (Baltimore, MD) is a publisher of high-quality educational resources for professionals interested in wellness and aging, long-term care, elder care, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and healthcare management. Visit www.healthpropress.com to learn more about this independent company, its vision, mission, and ever-growing list of publications.
Visit the Official OAM Website
Contact your Area Agency on Aging: Visit http://www.eldercare.gov/ or call 1-800-677-1116